Your safety during COVID-19
During the Covid-19 outbreak, your safety is my number one concern. For many, returning to face to face Pilates classes may be daunting. The following information sets out how I will be keeping classes Covid-safe, following government guidance and working with Bagshot Pavilion and St Francis, Camberley.
From 17th May 2021 the UK Government authorised indoor group exercise classes could restart, with guidelines in place for social distancing and ventilation.
Each person must have 100sq ft ventilation (worked out using the space in the whole building) and be at least 2 metres apart from the next person.
I have undertaken a risk assessment for each of my venues and to keep everyone safe, the following safety measures will be in place:
Safety measures in place:
- Government guidance specifies that the maximum total occupancy of a venue is based on 100sq ft ventilation per person. This figure is the net usable indoor space available, including the entrance, hallway, toilets as well as the main room. Alongside ventilation guidance, each person must be at least 2 metres apart from the next person. For your safety, class sizes will be limited to 10 people per class.
- Within the main room, mat areas will be marked out on the floor, allowing safe social distance between people. Please stay within your area for the duration of the class and on arrival please fill up spaces from the back to front.
- Doors and windows will be open for the duration of the class to enable ventilation in the room.
- If you arrive early, please wait in your car until 5 minutes before a class start time.
- A one way system will be in place; please enter through the main entrance and I will direct you to the exit at the end of the class.
- Upon entry, as a safety precaution, please use the hand sanitiser provided. The toilet is available for use and for handwashing, one person at time.
- The entrance door will be propped open for your arrival, please come straight in and move to a mat area, keeping a distance of 2 metres from others.
- As a safety precaution, you must bring your own mat.
- You must bring your own resistance band if you like to use one for the stretches at the end of class. I have bands for sale for £2 each if you’d like one.
- I will not be practicing ‘Hands-on’ corrections during classes.
- As always, please bring your own water with you.
- Face coverings should be worn to enter and exit the room, but can be taken off during the class.
- I will provide anti-bac wipes if you need to use them for anything, as well as tissues.
- If you feel unwell during a class, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can follow each venue’s protocol.
- If you develop any Covid symptoms within 2 weeks of attending a class, please inform me.
- You must book a class using the booking system, leaving your contact details; this is mandatory for NHS Track and Trace. Bookings can be made online by you or I can make a booking on your behalf, but I will need your name, email address and telephone number.
- Please do NOT attend class if you have any of the recognised COVID symptoms: A persistent cough, a fever/high temperature, loss of smell or taste. If in doubt, please give class a miss.